FDA takes aim at poppers; tracking reports of adverse effects including death

Tue. July 6, 2021

Nitrite has been a longtime staple of sex between men

Washington, D.C. - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration last month warned about the dangers of nitrites popularly known as "poppers." But Twitter users are now just discovering the news as the original FDA tweet is going viral.

"FDA is advising consumers not to purchase or use nitrite 'poppers' which can result in serious adverse health effects, including death. These productrs are marketed as nail polish removers but are being ingested or inhaled for recreational use," the official U.S. government tweet said.

Poppers have long been a staple among men who have sex with men, though they are used by others including cis gender couples. They are found in sex and kink shops throughout Chicago and its suburbs. They are used as sexual enhancement aides. found brands Jungle Juice, Quick Silver, Super RUSH, among others at retailers in Andersonville and Rogers Park.

"It certainly helps create an intense feeling of euphoria," an attendant said at a popular Andersonville sex shop. The store and attendant would rather not be identified in this story because they are not allowed to sell them as recreational items but rather as "cleaners."

A customer overheard the conversation and shared, "Tell your readers they're great for edging."

Edging is a term used for masturbation for lengthy periods of time without ejaculation.

"It keeps me going for over an hour until I'm ready," he continued.

But the government agency said it's seeing "an increase in reports of deaths and hospitalizations with issues such as severe headaches, dizziness, increase in body temperature, difficulty breathing, extreme drops in blood pressure, blood oxygen issues, and brain death after ingestion or inhalation of nitrite poppers."

The FDA, which is responsible for regulating chemicals used by persons, is pressing the public to stop purchasing and using poppers. Also, they would like to learn more about adverse illnesses and injuries caused by poppers through an electronic voluntary MedWatch form.

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