Joan Rivers tells young gay actors to stay in the closet

Tue. June 29, 2010

Joan Rivers is stirring up controversy by urging young gay actors to stay in the closet.

The outspoken and often-controversial comedian is advising gay actors, unsure about revealing their sexuality, that coming out could damage their careers.

"It's part of the game. If you're going to be a romantic idol and try to get every teenage girl to love you, then you'd be an ass to come out and say you're gay" she tells the Advocate magazine.

"That's why Ricky Martin was so smart — he did what he did, he made his millions, and then he said, ‘Guess what, everybody? I'm gay, I'm having this life, and here are my children.' It didn't matter anymore because he didn't have to bring in 16-year-old girls."

The 77-year-old Rivers is currently starring in her own documentary, called Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work. She recently performed at Milwaukee PrideFest earlier this month.

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