Gay Men Called Out For Excessive Covid Parties In Instagram Account

Thu. December 31, 2020

An Instagram account is shaming gay men who are not following CDC recommendations and holding large events and traveling to popular gay destinations like Puerto Vallarta for New Years'.

With the pandemic closing off many social and travel opportunities, some gay men continue to gather at private events - posting their group photos to Instagram. The anonymous creators of the Instagram account, @gaysovercovid, argue the men are ignoring warnings from health care professionals.

The account reposts the images of gay men partying without following social distancing guidelines. There has been some pushback over the public shaming, with some users arguing they have antibodies or are traveling with a quarantine pod.

This as a new report published earlier this month documents the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on LGBTQ households.

The findings, from the Movement Advancement Project (MAP), a gender equality-focused nonprofit think tank, show greater economic upheaval, higher unemployment rates and deeper challenges in accessing health care within the LGBTQ community.

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