Thu. June 10, 2010
Enfield, Conn. -
Pentecostal and evangelical churches across the country are performing exorcism rites on gays and lesbians to rid them of their demons.
This month's
Details magazine tells the story of Kevin Robinson, a young man who underwent 10 exorcisms to cure him of his homosexuality. He's still gay.
The exorcism rite varies from church to church, but usually involves church leaders praying over the gay person, invoking the word of God to get the demons out. Church leaders sometimes push (hard) on the victim's stomach and other body parts to force the "demon" out. Often, the victim will end up foaming at the mouth, vomiting or passing out; these things are seen as signs the "demon" is leaving.
Robinson's mother, father and uncle are leaders in his church, the Holy Ghost Temple Church. He told Details he kept coming back for exorcism, because he truly believed that he was possessed.
"There's spit, a form of spit, but they say it's sin coming out of you," he said. "You're being cleansed. You foam for a while and then it stops. That's when the tongues come -- the sign that you've received the Holy Ghost."
Police and courts are reluctant to intervene in cases of exorcism, because the law give parents wide latitude when it comes to their kids and religion.
Robinson's parents firmly believe they have been doing the right thing.
"God never makes mistakes," said Vivian Robinson.
Kevin Robinson is now going to college and he's trying hard to convince himself that being gay is okay.
"You don't know how many times I heard preached that homosexuality is a sin—you're going to burn in hell for it," he said.
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