Joe Walsh to challenge Trump for GOP nomination

Mon. August 26, 2019

Former Illinois Representative Joe Walsh on Sunday announced that he would challenge President Donald Trump for the Republican presidential nomination.

Walsh, a former vocal supporter of Trump during the 2016 election cycle, said that Trump was unfit for the office and should be denied a second term.

During an appearance on ABC's This Week, Walsh – who has a history of using racist slurs and has promoted the "birther" conspiracy during former President Barack Obama's tenure – told George Stephanopoulos that he regretted his past comments.

"We have a guy in the White House who's never apologized for anything he's done or said. I think it's a weakness not to apologize," Walsh told Stephanopoulos. "I helped create Trump, there's no doubt about that. The personal, ugly politics, I regret that and I'm sorry for that. And now we've got a guy in the White House, George, that's all he does."

Walsh, however, did not address his vocal opposition to LGBT rights, including marriage equality.

"I'm a strong supporter of traditional marriage and believe that a marriage can only exist between one man and one woman," he pledged during his 2010 campaign.

In a 2015 tweet, Walsh wrote: "I told Thomas Jefferson that the government was forcing a grandmother to arrange flowers for a gay wedding. He said, 'Grab your Musket!!!'"

In that same year, he said that he carried his gun everywhere, pointing out that "if a bakery can't say no to your gay wedding it can't say no to my gun."

In a tweet last year promoting a CNN story about a transgender man, Walsh insisted that "a transgender 'man' is a woman."

During his time in office, Walsh, also a conservative talk radio host, scored zero on the Human Rights Campaign's (HRC) Congressional Scorecard, a measure of a lawmaker's support for LGBT rights.

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