3D straight porn hits newsstands Friday

Tue. May 11, 2010

Gay Porn Already Available on DVD in 3D

Chicago, IL - Playboy's June issue will feature a centerfold in 3D. And yes, straight men need those silly red and blue glasses to see her properly.

But that's behind the times compared to gay porn purveyors, who already sell 3D DVDs.

"I'm not a huge enthusiast of 3D," Playboy founder Hugh Hefner told the Associated Press. "I leave real life to go to the movies and 2D is fine with me."

But he realized there was some marketing potential here.

"What would [straight men] most like to see in 3-D?" asked Hefner. "Probably a naked lady."

Hefner actually thought about doing 3D porn in the 1950s and had a photographer try it out. But the glasses were too expensive to produce.

This time around, someone else is paying for the glasses. HBO is sponsoring the specs, which are a promotion for "True Blood."

Straight men will have to suck it up and hold a magazine, but 3D filmed gay porn is already available online from Dominic Ford also sells cheapo cardboard glasses if you want to have a porn party, and the nicer, plastic versions if you'd rather watch by yourself.

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