Illinois Governor Prods Assembly To Pass Gay Rights Bill

Wed. November 5, 2003

Springfield, Illinois - Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich Wednesday told state lawmakers to get to work and pass a gay civil rights bill.

At a news conference Blagojevich told reporters that he wants the long-debated human rights bill passed before the fall session ends November 20th.

Legislation prohibit LGBT discrimination in areas such as housing and employment has passed the Democrat-controlled House several times in the last decade, only to be stalled in the Republican controlled Senate.

When Democrats took hold of the upper house this spring it was expected the bill would be passed, but failed to do so.

Blagojevich says the civil rights bill should be part of a "progressive" fall agenda which includes government-ethics and death penalty-reform legislation.

by Steph Smith Newscenter

Chicago Bureau

©® 2003

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