Pete Buttigieg in third behind Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders in Iowa poll

Fri. April 12, 2019

A new poll released Thursday has presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg, the openly gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana, in third place behind former Vice President Joe Biden and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.

Biden, who has yet to announced he's running for the White House, leads the 2020 Democratic presidential field in Iowa.

The Monmouth University poll shows Biden the choice of 27 percent of likely caucusgoers in Iowa. Sanders has 16 percent and Buttigieg has 9.

A CNN/Des Moines Register survey conducted a month ago had Buttigieg at just 1 percent.

(Related: At Victory Fund brunch, Pete Buttigieg says he would have done anything not to be gay.)

"Buttigieg's current standing in the horse race is impressive given that nearly half of likely Democratic caucusgoers have yet to form an opinion of him," Patrick Murray, the director of the Monmouth University Polling Institute, said in a statement. "He has one of the best positive to negative ratios in the field. He could move up if he is able to maintain that rating as he introduces himself to more voters."

Another recent survey by Emerson Polling also had Buttigieg in third, behind Biden and Sanders.

According to a POLITICO analysis, 15 candidates have qualified for the first Democratic debate, including Buttigieg.

Conducted April 4-9, the Monmouth poll surveyed 354 likely Democratic caucusgoers and has a margin of error of plus or minus 5.2 percentage points.

Buttigieg is expected to formally announce his campaign on Sunday.

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