

Lipstick Lesbian Chicago

Powerful, beautiful, successful and feminine! Do you think of yourself as a Professional Lipstick Lesbian and wonder where all the other Chicago lipstick lesbians are? Well we hope to meet and congregate here with this group. The first and foremost aim of this group is to have fun! Do you enjoy mani’s and pedi’s, current fashion trends, local trendy restaurants, make up, heels, fine wine, live music, an occasional night out dancing? We are a very small, selective group of attractive, 30 plus, feminine lesbian/queer women.

"Lipstick Lesbian Divas of Chicago” is a respectful, open-minded, positive, drama-free group for professional, femme lesbians who want to make friends, network, socialize, and have fun with other femme women in the community.



Since we "don't look like Lesbians", other Lesbians don't recognize us, which means we are often excluded from the united front. (Also, we don't get asked out.)

So here is a place just for us, where we don't have to apologize for being feminine, we aren't expected to entertain men, and everyone knows we're not straight.

If this sounds like you please join the group!

Connections (2)