
Looking for friends

Hey. I am a 27 y/o lesbian, that is looking for friends. I am just looking for people to get to know and hang out with. I am open to pretty much anyone, I am a laid back person.

I am simply looking for friends. I am looking for people to hang out with and make some new kick ass friends tochill with. If you fit this, send me a message and lets hanng out.

Likes: Sense of humor, confidence, being laid back and easy going. Someone who knows how to have a good time.

Turn-offs: Cockiness. Being an over the top smart ass. Being judgemental. Being critical of others.

Website :



I like pretty much all music. I like black and white photography. I enjoy walking down by the beach. I do go to the bars now and then, but I can have fun outside of the bar as well. I like the idea of traveling. I also like the idea of meeting new people. I don't know what else to write, so if there is something you would like to know, please feel free to ask. Have a great one :)

Favorite movies

I like Gangster movies, like the ones based on "Capone". About any action/suspense movie and I am there. I like drama's as well.

Favorite music

I like rock, pop and some country. Sorry, I am from Indiana so I grew up listening to country.

Favorite food

Pizza, steak, my mom's home cookin'

Favorite TV shows

Law and Order SVU, Hell's Kitchen, Top Chef.

Connections (1)