

Love and hapiness to share

Attractive, joyful and passionate 5' 6' with a healthy body 137 lbs. Love my job, work in the art and education and I love life in general. I am very healthy, full of energy, physicaly very in shape. I have been in two LTR and I have learned that although each of us is responsible for his own happiness it's nice to help each other grow.Chemistry and physical attraction is important for me, but definelty not the only thing. Knowing each other from the inside, sharing, having affinities and supporting each other is what create a good relationship. I like to kiss, cuddle, taking the time to talk and have fun. I don't practice any religion but I am very spiritual, standing closer to the boudhist phylosophy.

I am French Canadian and move 8 years ago in the Chicago area. I love what I do and enjoy life in all its aspects. I found peace in living my life day by day , having a good idea where I'm going. I value the inside first and always work on improving myself to evolve toward what my soul intended. I like surprises, when it's with good intention. My favorites activities are traveling, reading, biking, dancing, yoga, movies, relaxing in nature and many more. Spirituality is important for me and I practice meditation, yoga and seek for a better world by helping each other to fulfill his purpose in life. I have been in two long relationships and I understood that a relationship must be create step by step and that I can't change anybody. So to be happy together we must have the same goals and share some of our passions in life. We must be physically attracted to each other and naturally let things evolve. I am attracted to somebody who is fit and healthy, handsome to my eyes, who is confident and compassionate. Someone who likes to talk and listen. He likes what he does and his successful, because he believe in abundance. He likes to travel and enjoy the beauties of the world or just to relax. I am looking for someone with affinities which I described in my hobbies.

Likes: Healthy mind in a healthy body. Good heart. Intelligent and sensitive conversation. Romantic dinner. Holding hands, cuddling and kissing.

Turn-offs: Bad language, bad manners. Mr. knows everything. Bad breath.



My favorites activities are traveling,reading, music, symphony, bicycle, dancing, yoga, movies, relaxing in nature and many more. Spirituality is important for me and I practice meditation, yoga and seek for a better world by helping each other to fulfill his purpose in life.

Favorite music

Classical Music: Bach, Mozart, Chopin and many more

Favorite food

French cuisine
Italian cuisine
Asian cuisine

Favorite TV shows

So you think you can dance
Deseperate housewives

Connections (1)