

soft goth, music lover, lipstick lesbian ^..^

I am 41, I look mid-30's and I feel late 20's. I refuse to act my age! I usually hang with the 30 something crowd. I love music more than anything else on the planet. I read a lot. I like to make people laugh and I like to laugh. I have good Karma and try very hard not to harm anyone except for the occasional spider who wonders into my sanctuary! The gloves are off when that happens, man! I have a cat who, does not hunt spiders, to my dismay.

I am a simple person. I don't eat meat, its ok if you do but don't kiss me after, unless you brush! I am separated pending divorce. My ex lives in Texas and is one of my dearest friends. I tried to be "bi" and was successful for years but fell in love with a woman and just cannot go back to the other side! I am looking for someone who can put me first and someone I can put first. I am faithful, honest and somewhat intense. I live by music. You must love music or it won't work. I don't want a girlfriend, I want a "love." Someone to cuddle with all night or laugh with until we cannot breath. I'm 41, I look 31, and I feel 21. I am noticed when I enter a room. I have a larger-than-life persona. I'm a Leo. I like to make people laugh. I try to give when I can. I have a big heart and forgive easily. This can be my downfall.

Likes: confidence, parfume, kindness, good karma, thinking of others, music, thunderstorms, candle light, tatoos, lipstick, mildly aggressive behavior, I like alternative music. I can be slightly goth at times and that is what I like in women. I like really passionate, aggressive exchanges to very good music. The more intense the music, the more intense I become. plump, vivacious women turn me on. I like size 12 to 20 and curvy. Brunetts are yummy! kissing turns me on. I`ve been told I am good at it maybe because it turns me on more than any other physical activity.

Turn-offs: narcissists, rudeness, cruelty, people who think they are superior, mean sarcasm, negativity, bad breath, bad hygiene, bad karma and people who just don't care about others. jealousy turns me off because jealousy = guilty.



Aside from music, reading, and search-and-destroy spider missions, I enjoy Theology and am starting to get interested in Mythology. I like to make beaded jewelry but am just learning. It is not uncommon to find me coloring in a My Little Pony coloring book. I like to color them sort of Gothic-alternative. :) I am a creative type and this is one of my outlets. I also enjoy jigsaw puzzles, no-not on line. The type you need to put on a table. I also like board games. I'm a contradiction. I look slightly goth but it is not uncommon to see me wearing floral shirts. I have the dracula drapes and accessories in my bedroom but have a floral duvet cover. It is not curable again, to my dismay.

Favorite movies

Tommy Boy, Office Space, Body Double, The Wedding Date, Bourne movies, Anything with Johnny Depp, Dead Again, any psychological thrillers, romantic dramas, action movies and scare flicks. I don't like slasher movies because I want to kill the blond in the 3" heals myself and then I look like a psycho because I am rooting for the killer! No really, I don't like really graphic, bloody slasher movies.

Favorite music

Alternative (Q101),rock, hard rock, soft rock, industrial, techno, classical,80's, metal. Some of the artists I have in my Ipod are: 30 Seconds to Mars, Tool, Perfect Circle, Chevelle, Anberlin, Fallout Boy, Maroon 5, Serj Tankian, System of a Down,Seether, Disturbed,My Chemical Romance,POD, Linkin Park,Def Tones,Korn,Breaking Benjamin, Muse,Chris Cornell,and The Used.

Favorite food

pizza, I know that is a shocker. On everyones list, right? Hersheys chocolate, licorice, potatoes, salad(no, really- I make a mean salad) MILK (I kill like 2 gallons a week, it is my favorite thing of all) mac/cheese, pasta,and I really like cereal! Oh and I cannot forget green beans, olives, cheese and yogurt. I am a new vegetarian but you don't need to be.

Favorite TV shows

Reaper, Supernatural, Dollhouse(yum), The Closer, Psych, Monk, Fringe, Ghost Whisperer,Ghost Hunters and Ghost Hunters International. Told you, I am kinda goth. ^,,^ 24, The Mentalist and HGTV.

Connections (4)