

Do you know who I am?... You will...

I'm a 25 year old female from Chicago. I graduated from DePaul University with a BA in Digital Cinema. For now, I work as a dancer for two entertainment companies and as a singer at The Joynt. Belly dance, Polynesian dance, samba and hip-hop are my specialties with a couple other dance studies as well. I love music, dance and movies. I'm very open to new experiences and will try anything at least once. If you're interested, send me a message and let's meet up sometime!

I'm a 23 year old female who just graduated from DePaul. I'm a dancer professionally (belly dance and Polynesian) and I love to have a good time. Drop me a line if you want to know more!

Likes: I'll tell you when you've found my spots

Turn-offs: Bad breath, body odor, controlling partners

Website :



Music, dance, movies, sports (basketball's my specialty), food, travel...just about anything!

Favorite movies

How am I supposed to pick my favorites?...ok ok I'll write a few, Shawshank Redemption, American Beauty, Zoolander, Closer, Humoresque, Psycho (the original), Mystic River, Monsoon Wedding, Se7en, O Brother Where Art Thou, Goodfellas, The Godfather (I & II), Scarface, Love Actually, The Virgin Suicides, American History X, The Royal Tenenbaums, Pulp Fiction, Wedding Crashers, The Hustler, The Departed, Crash, Blow, Memento, Finding Forrester, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Lord of War

Favorite music

Most anything with a good beat...I'm really into house, hip hop and pop.

Favorite food

I have a weakness for pasta...but I love Italian, Thai, Japanese, Korean, Indian, Mexican...anything with some flavor

Favorite TV shows

The L Word, Daria, Family Guy, Late Night with Conan O'Brien, America's Got Talent

Connections (7)