


I'm the kind of person who constantly puts their foot in their mouth, and doesn't realize until way too late to fix it.

I'm a bit crazy. I tend to believe a lot of conspiracy theories, or at least spend a bit of time on th einternet learning about them. I am a google/wikipedia whore. I'm obsessed about movies, t.v. shows, and books. I guess I just love stories.

Likes: Intelligence and honesty. Cute figures and pretty eyes;)

Turn-offs: Doormates, liars, and wimps.



Reading, writing, watching T.V.
I really enjoy great conversations about the past and the future.
I also love pretty much any new experience, even though I have a little bit of difficulty getting out of my comfort zone. But that's what tequila is for, isn't it?

Favorite movies

Gone With the Wind, the Shawshank Redemption, Gladiator, the Departed, Pan's Labrynth, Beetlejuice, most Batman movies, Pearl Harbor, the Green Mile, Little Nicky, the Blind Side, I'm just going to stop there, I love a lot of movies.

Favorite music

Classic, Classic Rock, Alternative, Hip-hop, a little bit of Techno, and Jazz.

Favorite food

I love spicy foods. I hate chunky vegetables and fruits. I'm a weird-o when it comes to eating.

Favorite TV shows

I'm too embarrassed to name them all. I like Mad Men and True Blood. I was really into Lost.

Connections (1)