

A US ARMY STAFF SERGEANT OUT & PROUD! I am Proud to be Gay and Honored to Serve My Country

DADT, oh yes, I am out and proud... to a point I keep my work and personal life seperate, however, I am proud to be Gay and Honored to serve my Country.

Fall Down Seven Times Stand Up Eight!

Make your own opinion because I think I am awesome, just Kidding I'm Kristin.

My job is my life, I have my family and friends' unwavering support to keep pushing to do the right thing...I can't particularly talk about my job, but I'm a nerd and I love it, possibly the most hardcore nerd out there. I am in satellite communications/engineering, technically but running with the Guys is second nature. Let's Run!

A US ARMY STAFF SERGEANT OUT & PROUD! I am Proud to be Gay and Honored to Serve My Country! If you really want to know then just email me. I can answer more than a quick blurb ever could. I am an active individual I love experiencing life.

Likes: Someone with drive, self assured, has positive outlook and mindset. Someone who isn't afraid to live life and go where ever it takes them. I am a soldier and always on the move looking for someone flexible to compliment me.

Turn-offs: Loud, eccentric, and arrogant people, Also someone who doesn't care about their body and mind. Who doesn't want to except my career as apart of me.



I'm just living and enjoying life, i haven't found much i don't like to do yet.

Proud to say I am am Active Duty Vet with a few wars under my belt and just finished my Masters! My interests are taking the intangible and making them obtainable.

Favorite movies

Well to be honest i can't sit down to watch any kind of movies i hate sitting still, but if anything Kung Fu Flicks and Comedies those are always a fun time. Oh and horror films have to love those!

Favorite music

I like any and everything... techno thru classical, from hip-hop to country, back up to punk down to soca, bachata to jazz. etc... Everything.

Right now I am really into Deadmau5. My IPOD mix is old distillers, ghostface killah, the band berry, and Queens of the Stoneage (weird mix but it gets me going)

I DJ on my off time and I'm a B-Girl what can I say, I love music.

Favorite food

Japanese, Thai, Greek, Italian, Caribbean and Panamanian. (yes in that order!)

Favorite TV shows

So whatever is on. Anything on ESPN and Comedy Central, CATs/DOGs/and PETs 101. 30 for 30 (thats ESPN again) SHARK MONTH! Ellen and Rachel Maddow...