

Wanted: New friends to party and enjoy pride together!!!

Wanted: FUN Lesbians/BI girls to go out and enjoy pride month with!! Position to be filled out immediately: friend category. Romantically, if it comes my way I wont shy away from it - but I'm tired of trying and looking.

First off I have to clarify - just because I label myself as "bisexual" does NOT mean I feel its okay to be dating both sexes at the same time - I dont care what someone's anatomy is, but if I'm in a relationship...I'm with my significant other and no one else - period. Now with that being said, I can continue... Well I'm 5'4, high cheekbones, light complexion, light brown almond shaped eyes, and proportionate(I'm a big girl - I'm only being upfront). I love to dance, i'm artistic, goof around, drink beer, hang out with my friends and sibs, read, go to the movies, DANCE!! just in general, enjoy life in any way I can! Before I go on, I must say something important - I'm not entirely out. There are a few in my life who know who I am, but I am not entirely out. I'm looking to make friends and possibly more. Ultimately I am looking for love - true, intense, head-over-heels kind of love. I want to feel loved and I want to love again. I want to be in a healthy happy relationship. I want to feel like the Bruno Mars "just the way you are" song describes my relationship. Yes I'm a romantic, but I keep crossing my fingers that its not necessarily hopeless. But I'm always open to friendships as they are the beauty of life as well =) .... If you like my profile please feel free to message me - have yourself a wonderful day!

Likes: nice scent, nibbling, great kissers, beautiful eyes, great smiles, confidence, intelligence, creativity, open minded, kinky, romantacism, flirting, assertiveness, great dancers, being mature and in touch with your inner child, etc etc etc.

Turn-offs: bad breath, bad scent (overall), liars, cheaters, hypocrites,

Website : n/a



lol well some ppl would say I'm a bit …..different or Unique. While I do have interests that would be the norm (movies, dancing, hanging out w friends, playing wii, etc) I have some that are not so 'norm'. I LOVE vampires. Why? Yaknow, I dont know, but ever since I can remember I have had a fascination with them. I used to want to be a part of the addams family because they were so cool in my book. I love reading about fantasy/paranormal/supernatural things. I love skulls thus have a complete ADORATION of skelanimals. While I read books and watch movies that have nothing to do with supernatural (or of that sort) they are usually my first choice. Though, I find japanese inspired ghost stories are actually scary.

I am my own person. Some friends like to categorize me as a goth, though in all honesty I dont go as far as some of them do. I dont put fake rope extensions in funky colors in my hair, nor do I feel I cant laugh/smile because I love black, skulls, etc. Hope that gives you a good enough idea of who I am.

Favorite movies

WOW ….I have quite a few and are all SOO different!!

Corpse bride, Monsters Inc, Toy Story, Nightmare before Christmas, In Dreams, Phat Girls, Elf, Disney movies (lol yes …DISNEY lol), Identity, The Notebook, Sweeney Todd, Memento, Interview with the vampire, Queen of the damned, Lord of the rings trilogy, Harry Potter Series, etc

Favorite music

Lifehouse, Bruno Mars, OneRepublic, Combichrist, Marilyn Manson, 16volt, Missy Elliott, Eve, Usher, Boyz II Men, Benni Benassi, Dj Psycho Bitch, etc,

Favorite food

Italian, greek, mexican, sushi, thai, mediterranean/middle eastern

Connections (4)