

The girl next door

I am a very friendly person who likes to meet new people. I just like to get out and have fun and chat.

Likes: inviting smile, friendliness, thunderstorms

Turn-offs: poor hygiene, self-centered talk about yourself but do not make it all about yourself!



Music/concerts, movies, going for walks, thunderstorms, amusement parks, dancing, talking, dining out, cooking, my animals(cats and dogs)

Favorite movies

Dirty Dancing, Steel Magnolias, Silence of the Lambs, Mrs. Doubtfire, Nightmare on Elm St. movies, horror movies in general!, classic 80s movies(like John Hughs or obscure ones like RAD and Hamburger the Motion Picture), and yeah I like comedies, romantic comedies, true stories, etc. always up for a good movie

Favorite music

I could go on forever here. Bottom line is that I love music and I like all genres. Madonna is my all time fave plus I love Melissa Etheridge, Moby, 80s!

Favorite food

American, Mexican, Chinese, Italian, Indian, Mediterranian. I love to try new and different things. Of course I love good ol' burgers and pizza too.

Favorite TV shows

House, Grey's Anatomy, Weeds, Californication, Buffy, The First 48, Crime 360, Life After People, COPS, The L Word.

Connections (1)