The daily serial fictional based on Chicago's Boystown neighborhood: Boystown series by Danny Bernardo

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18. Shepherd's Pie

Charlie hadn't left Hunter's side since he'd been admitted and Eddy was getting worried. For both of them, but mainly for Charlie. Every time she called, he was still there, sounding more and more frayed at the edges than the last time. He was acting like their mother when their father had an emerge

18. Shepherd's Pie
Charlie hadn't left Hunter's side since he'd been admitted and Eddy was getting worried. For both of them, but mainly for Charlie. Every time she called, he was still there, sounding more and more frayed at the edges than the last time. He was acting like their mother when their father had an emergency appendectomy and she was worried that he wasn't leaving to eat. Leaving the office, she took on the mission of bringing him food.

On her way to the Brown Line, she noticed a cute pop up restaurant on Clark and Washington. Intrigued by the beautiful woman behind the counter, she stopped in.


"Welcome to Harvest Sol," the beautiful woman said.


"What is this place? I've never seen it before."


"Well, we're dedicated to bringing calorie-fixed fast food to urbanites on the go. We're just starting out, so hopefully it sticks."

"That is fucking genius. I'd love to talk to the owner, making new business happen is what I'm all about."


"You're talking to her," beautiful woman said, offering her hand. "I'm Steph."


"Eddy," she replied, shaking it.


"Maybe we can meet tomorrow at lunch? We can discuss you're consulting fees... "


"Oh no," Eddy said, smiling. "This would be a total passion project."


"Well... if it's a passion project, how about we do it over dinner," Steph said, grinning back.


"Great," Eddy said, grabbing her two to-go meals. "And that time, I'll cook. Do you like shepherd's pie?"


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