The daily serial fictional based on Chicago's Boystown neighborhood: Boystown series by Danny Bernardo

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7. Changing

Tyler looked at the picture on Edward's phone in awe. "I'm so happy he said yes!" "He would've had a lot to answer for if he hadn't," Edward chuckled, admiring the picture of his man wearing the engagement ring he'd bought from Tiffany's. "But I thought you guys weren't about that." "Well,

7. Changing
Tyler looked at the picture on Edward's phone in awe. "I'm so happy he said yes!"

"He would've had a lot to answer for if he hadn't," Edward chuckled, admiring the picture of his man wearing the engagement ring he'd bought from Tiffany's.

"But I thought you guys weren't about that."

"Well, honestly, so did we. When I was a kid, all I had to look forward to was growing up to be a sexual deviant that lived in the shadows. But life has been much kinder to me. I've been blessed beyond belief. And with gay marriage that much closer here in Illinois, well... "

"The times, they are a-changing," smiled Tyler.

"They sure are," said Edward. "How are things on the home front? How's Charlie?"

"Not so good. They're keeping him suspended indefinitely. He's meeting with David about it tomorrow?"

"Who's meeting with David?!" Josh asked as he passed by the open office door.

"Charlie," Tyler replied.

"Why?" Josh asked nervously. "Why would he... ? I mean, I know they're friends, but, why?"

"It's that unpleasantness at school," Edward said.

"Yeah, David's taking the case pro bono," Tyler said. "Really nice of him."

"What case? What happened at school?"

Tyler and Edward looked at each other. "Well, one of his students accused Charlie of making a pass at him," Tyler said cautiously.

"No! Not Charlie!"

"Exactly," Tyler said.

"It'll blow over," Edward reassured the boys. "Charlie's a good man. They have to see that."

"Tyler!" LaTrice squealed, bursting through the office door. "I got it! I got the job at the café!"

"That's amazing!" Tyler exclaimed, hugging LaTrice.

"And I saw that trick Jazmin, the one that stabbed me."

"Did you call the police?" Tyler asked.

"She tried to throw me some shade, but I was just all, ‘you know what? I was her.' I was just blessed to have ended up here. Some people, they ain't so lucky."

"I know that's right," Edward said. "I just wish there was more we could do, in terms of outreach. Really reach the kids that need us most."

"Y'all lookin in the wrong places," LaTrice said. "Course, y'all ain't never asked me, so... "

"Well, I'm asking you," Tyler said. "If you've got some ideas, I'd love to hear them."

"I'll write ‘em down. Josh, can you help me with a, what's that they call it, a proposal?"

"Absolutely," Josh said, escorting her to the study hall. Tyler stared off at them, grinning from ear to ear.

"What?" Edward asked, matching Tyler's smile.

"It's just... who would've thought, you know? One of my best friends in the city, is this girl... a girl who attacked me no less... .but from a completely different upbringing. Who'd have thought this gawky white kid from po'dunk Ohio and this black trans girl from the South Side of Chicago."

"Like you said," Edward mused, putting his hand on Tyler's shoulder. "Times are changing."

Just joining us? Catch up here:

Volume 1 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 2 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 3 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 4 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 5 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five


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