The daily serial fictional based on Chicago's Boystown neighborhood: Boystown series by Danny Bernardo

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7. Always

"So this button is kick?" Fitz asked cautiously, his Captain America jabbing at Hunter's Jean Grey. "Yeah, and if you combine with up and... " "I got it, I got it," Fitz said, waving him away. And sure enough, in under a minute Fitz's Captain America was able to take out Jean and the rest of

7. Always
"So this button is kick?" Fitz asked cautiously, his Captain America jabbing at Hunter's Jean Grey.

"Yeah, and if you combine with up and... "

"I got it, I got it," Fitz said, waving him away. And sure enough, in under a minute Fitz's Captain America was able to take out Jean and the rest of Hunter's "Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3" team.

"You sure you've never played this before?"

"Never! And be prepared for a night of it because I'm off the next two days and I don't think I'm leaving my pajamas or this couch."

"Not complaining," Hunter said, giving him a quick kiss.

"This game's a damn sight better than that car stealing game."

"Why? Because you're kicking my ass at this one?"

"No. Because it's legitimately awful. Army games I get. This I get. But why would anyone make a game that glamorizes crime? It's so wrong."

"Turn it off, Officer. You're not on duty."

"How would you feel if they made a game where the only goal was... um... making drinks wrong?"

Hunter hit paused and laughed. "What?"

"Well, fine ok. Bad example. But, besides video games and comic books... what are you passionate about? I know it's not bartending."

"No one's ever asked me that."

"And you've never asked yourself?"

"I never did, I guess. Life wasn't the easiest for my family, you know? I got a job when I was old enough and when I got kicked out and moved here, I had to survive."

"Which is why the go-go dancing."

"Yeah. I mean... I wanted to go to college and shit but my whole life, I guess... I was just getting by."

Fitz put his arm around Hunter. "That's ok too. What your job is doesn't define who you are. It's how you treat others, what your actions are. And you, Hunter Storm, are pretty fucking awesome." He kissed Hunter's head, but Hunter was still stuck in the thought.

"Did you always want to be a cop?"

"Yeah. My dad's a cop. My brother's a cop."

"You didn't feel pressured?"

"No. I mean, I don't want to stay beat cops like them, I want to make detective in a few years. But it's what I've always wanted. I just always knew. I'm lucky, I guess. Some people spend their whole lives figuring it out. Or not caring."

"Yeah," Hunter said dejectedly.

"Hey," Fitz said, taking Hunter's face in both hands and kissing him. "You'll figure it out."

"Hey guys," Tyler said coming out of his room, going to the bathroom.

"Hey dude!" Hunter called, eager to shake the mood. "Was that a guy I heard leaving the apartment this afternoon?"

"Gotta pee," Tyler said quickly, shutting the bathroom door. Hunter loved giving Tyler shit and started pounding on the door.

"Look at you! New year and ho'in' it up like a true Boystown boy!"

"Can't hear you!" Tyler said, flushing the toilet.

"Leave the kid alone," Fitz chuckled, grabbing a hold of Hunter from behind.

"Aw come on! I always wanted a little brother to fuck with!"

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size?"

Hunter pushed Fitz back onto the couch and jumped on top of him. They tussled for a bit before Hunter's shirt started riding up to the point where Fitz just ripped it off. Tyler tried to sneak his way back to his room, but Hunter heard him and started to get up, but Fitz pushed him down.

"Don't even think about it," Fitz said, kissing him on the nose.

"Did you get that thing that came for you in the mail yesterday?" Tyler called as he slammed the door to his room.

"The what?" Hunter muttered, glancing quickly at the coffee table. There was a white envelope addressed to him. Since all his bills came out automatically, he never got any mail.

"It's certified," Fitz noted as Hunter tore into it.

"Holy fuck!" Hunter gasped, reading its contents.

"It's from my dad's lawyer. He had me on his life insurance policy." Hunter dropped the two pieces of paper and moved onto a smaller slip of paper. Fitz picked the pages off the floor and a check slipped out.

"Holy shit! Hunter... it's a check for twenty grand. You could start school with this or go on some bad-ass vacation or... "

But Hunter wasn't listening. He was reading the small scrap of paper, etched with his father's chicken scratch handwriting:

"Hunter –
Don't fuck up like me. Make something of your life. Make me proud.
Love always, Dad"


Just joining us? Catch up here:

Volume 1 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 2 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 3 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 4 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five


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