The Kid: Scarlet
Of course there has to be a "wet behind the ears" kid in this story and Scarlet Bar plays that role two-fold. First off it's the new kid on the block, having been around for less than a year, and secondly, its weekly "First Ward Ball" event is the most recent participant to enter into the Sunday night battle on Halsted Street. Like any smart rookie, Scarlet has looked to the past for the key to its future by naming its Sunday night after the legendary party hosted by "Hinky Dink" Kenna & "Bathhouse" John Coughlin (what a name!), the First Ward Chicago Alderman in the early 1900s. Back then the party was infamously known for its drunken debauchery, loose women, and philandering men. Early reports from Scarlet's modern-day version of the party are that not much has changed with dancers prancing on top of the bar, DJs (including Luis M) supplying wicked grooves, and special guest celebrities such as Mini Cher keeping things lively all night long. Only time will tell whether the rookie Scarlet and it's First Ward Ball will have staying power, but so far it has let its fellow Sunday night competitors know it aims to claim that championship belt.
Scarlet, 3320 N. Halsted