"I'm worried that Illinois Democrats may be squandering opportunities to make significant headway on the issues the are important to everyone in this state. We have Democrats in all statewide offices and control of the Illinois House and Senate. People of conscience, compassion, and fiscal responsibility should be celebrating a new renaissance of forward thinking and the rejection of the hatred and irrationality that has become the hallmark of the Republican Party in this country and especially in Illinois. Instead there is too much infighting, posturing, and a real lack of progress. The strength of the Democratic Party is give and take, compromise, and attention to all people rather than uber control by a an elite Republican few propped up by right-wing evangelical zealots. The people of Illinois will grow angrier and angrier if the Democrats don't get the party's "house" in order and begin to make real progress on issues like transit, education, health care, energy, and further reductions in crime." – Kevin Boyer, President, Third Coast Marketing (www.thirdcoastmarketing.com)