Whether it's self love or slip sliding with a partner, everyone is looking for that perfect chemical romance between skin and lubricant these days. Lady Gaga might rather be dry, but most us prefer just the right amount of slickness raining down in our bedrooms. These days our hands may be dry or cracked from so much hand sanitizer, so it's important to find some welcome relief.
Lubes are divided into three types: silicone lubes, water-based lubes and oil-based lubes.Silicone lubes have a thicker consistency and will last longer. Don't use silicone with sex toys because it will break down the silicone that the toy is made from. Unlike silicone lubes, water-based lubes are very absorbent and need to be reapplied often. The good thing is there is less mess and it can sooth your skin. Oil-based lubes are the messiest of them all. They don't work well with condoms, but are good to double as a massage oil.
Let's take a look at a few current brands to see who lubrican or lubrican't do the job…