Australia’s ideal of an egalitarian, classless society must surely have a lot to do with the creation of its current leading export: the venerable Dame Edna! (Somehow it seems inappropriate to use her name without an exclamation point somewhere in the same sentence). Though Australians consider themselves to have an exceptional ability to see each citizen as good as the next, there must certainly be Aussies who suffer from just the tiniest bit of pride, and who must have inspired Barry Humphries’ drag alter ego – the self-proclaimed “most popular and gifted woman in the world today.” Though satirical barbs at the proud are hardly unique to Australians, who else but an Aussie could create a character that seems to truly love everyone, even as she feels ever so slightly superior? Dame Edna Everage is undoubtedly the first among equals, and as loving of the “miserables” who can only afford to witness her show from lower-priced balcony seats as she is of her dear friends like George W. Bush (to whom, she tells us, she gave a gift of a Word-a-Day Calendar).