August 4-10, 2016

Thu. August 4, 2016 12:00 AM
by Sukie de la Croix

Gay life in Chicago this week, back in...


In the bars and clubs, Mucho Macho Gazpacho chilled, chunky, zippy ...with sour cream at Buddies restaurant/bar, 3301 N. Clark St.; there's a Full Moon contest with $200 cash prizes with DJ Jungle Jorge Suarez and MC Brian McIntosh at Roscoe's, 3354-56 N. Halsted; celebrate Market Days at North End, 3733 N. Halsted; TGIF Underwear Party at L.A. Connection, 3700 N. Halsted; WORK THAT RUNWAY!! Ru Paul Look-a-Like Contest is at Foxy's, on the corner of Halsted and Belmont; and humpy homo body boyz every "T" day (Tues/Thurs) at Berlin, 954 W. Belmont.


IMAGE: Trip – Gay Life August 1, 1975

Sandra Bernhard signs her new book, "Love, Love and Love," at Unabridged Bookstore, 3251 N. Broadway.


TOP 10 PLAYLIST courtesy of DJ Psycho Bitch: 1) "All Day, All Night" – Stephanie Mills; 2) "Sunday Night Party" Alex Party; 3) "Try the Feeling" – Cool Jack; 4) "Slide On the Rhythm" – Arizona; 5) "You Don't Know" – Jiffy; 6) "Dancer" – 70s Fashion; 7) "I Need Ya" – Remy & Sven; 8) "House of Fun (E.P.)" – Charley Cassanova; 9) "Happy" – Amnesia; 10) "Fever Called Love (Hardcover RX)" – RHC.


IMAGE: Wabash Health Club – Gay Life February 4, 1976

An article in Gay Chicago begins:

"Test Positive Aware Network has announced a search for a managing editor of its publications.

"Executive Director Steve Wakefield indicated that TPA is looking for an HIV positive individual who can provide leadership and has the editorial experience to maintain established quality standards.

"TPA publishes 'Positively Aware' each month. The publication provides the latest treatment news, human-interest articles, HIV service information, and a listing of upcoming TPA programs. Each month, the publication averages 32 to 40 pages and contains information in both English and Spanish."


Circuit MOM Productions presents "Circuit MOM in Concert II: The Dance Party" featuring DJ Pete Crow and lighting by Bryan Holcombe at Park West, 322 W. Armitage.


IMAGE: Murphy's Manor cartoon – Outlines March 1988

E. Lynn Harris reads from his new novel "Anyway the Wind Blows" at Border's, 150 N. State St.


The Oak Park Area Lesbian and Gay Association (OPALGA) host a coffee house soiree with poet/performer RoiAnn Phillips and jazz/soul songstress Susan Watts at Buzz Café, 905 S. Lombard, Oak Park.


Quotes from this weeks GRAPEVINE in Windy City Times:

"The issue has now become not that there isn't enough gay life on TV, but the quality of the programs in which we feature. Do we need specifically gay TV anymore, given that our presence is now woven intimately into the structure of the TV schedule?" – Terry Sanderson, media critic for London's Gay Times.


"Some people think I'm ridiculous, some people think I'm cool. Some people think I'm nothing special, some people I am special. Some people think I'm stupid, some people think I'm brilliant. Some people think I sell myself cheap, some people think I know my value. Some people think I've made the wrong choices." – Gay porn star Aiden Shaw.


IMAGE: Big Chicks – Nightlines September 3, 1997

An article in Gay Chicago begins:

"The Hearts Foundation has donated $7,000 to Chicago's Leather Archives and Museum, the largest single donation ever made to the museum.

"The donation is from the proceeds raised at a first-ever International Mr. Leather-sanctioned tea dance produced by the foundation. The fundraising event held at the Transit nightclub on May 27 during IML weekend, was attended by more than 1,100 people and raised more than $14,000 through ticket sales and sponsorships. Proceeds were split between the museum and Foundation, which in turn donates its share to local AIDS organizations."


Scott Free's Grinder this week features words by Jim Pickett and music by Ellen Rosen, at the Coffee and Tea Exchange, 1100 W. Thorndale.


Author Achy Obejas reads from "Days in Awe," her new novel about a Cuban-American woman's search for her father's Jewish heritage in Cuba, at Women and Children First, 5233 N. Clark St.


"With Liberty and Justice for All" is a salute to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Veterans by the City of Chicago. It takes place at Daley Plaza at Washington and Dearborn streets. It's hosted by the Chicago Commission on Human Relations' Advisory Councils on Veterans Affairs (ACVA) and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Issues (ACLGBTI) and the Chicago chapter of the American Veterans for Equal Rights (AVER).


An article in Windy City Times by Tracy Baim begins:

"Members of Fred Phelps' anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church of Kansas came to town Monday, Aug. 3 for a series of protests targeting Jewish groups and synagogues. Some Jewish leaders called for ignoring the protests, while some organized counter-demonstrations. Five of Phelps' followers (but not Rev. Phelps himself) showed up on the street across from Emanuel Congregation, 5959 N. Sheridan, at 11 a.m. Aug. 3 (including two children). They were met by more than 200 LGBT people and their allies who stood strong in front of the building. Among the politicians present were Rep. Greg Harris, Rep. Harry Osterman, Ald. Joe Moore and former State Sen. Carol Ronen.

"While the protest was mostly supposed to be silent from the supporters of Emanuel Congregation (which is where the gay Congregation Or Chadash group meets), there were plenty of signs and, in some cases, shouts and singing. Police surrounded the Phelps' followers, their presence in part to keep traffic from stopping. Many cars and motorcycles passed by honking in support of the pro-gay group."


The Flesh Hungry Dog Show is a live rock and variety performance for queers and friends at Jackhammer, 6406 N. Clark St.


Is Grinder still going?

Is OPALGA still around?

What's Ellen Rosner up to these days?

Gay Chicago Photo Rewind

Sherman Heinrich and Spike King photographs gays and lesbians around town for Gay Chicago February 23, 1989

Terry Gaskins photographs Lady Bunny, Ron Ehemann at Man's Country and the Cell Block guys for Gay Chicago May 22, 1997

Terry Gaskins photographs at Spin, the Eagle and the Chi-Town Squares at Ann Sather for Gay Chicago April 4, 1996

Dan Di Leo photographs at the Normandy for Gay Chicago June 18, 1987

Thanks go to publishers Michael Bergeron for Chicago Gay Crusader, Ralph and Craig Gernhardt for Gay Chicago, Grant Ford and Chuck Renslow for Gay Life, Malone Sizelove for Babble/Gab, David Costanza and others for Chicago Free Press, Jeff McCourt for Windy City Times, Stacy Bridges and Mark Nagel for GRAB, and Tracy Baim for all the publications at the Windy City Media Group, which aided the above research. St. Sukie de la Croix is an internationally published reporter, playwright, photographer and historian. He is also the author of Chicago Whispers: A History of LGBT Chicago Before Stonewall published by the University of Wisconsin Press.