IMAGE: Redoubt – Gay Life April 15, 1977
Article in Gay Chicago begins:
"Vernita M. Gray, a 20-year activist and a member of the Chicago Lesbian and Gay Hall of Fame, has been named the new lesbian and gay victim-witness coordinator, State's Attorney Jack O'Malley announced."
An ad in Gay Chicago lists the Bailiwick Repertory's "Pride Performance Series 93." The series runs from May 24-August 22 and includes musicals, comedies, late night sexcapades like "Son of Fire," "Oh, Holy Allen Ginsberg," "Small Domestic Acts," "The Expense of Spirit," "The Harvey Milk Show," "Jorjet Harper's "Lesbomania," and Ted Bales' "Beyond Surrender."
Simon LeVay, author of "The Sexual Brain" discusses his groundbreaking book at People Like us Bookstore, 3321 N. Clark St.
An article in Gay Chicago begins:
"The Berwyn United Neighborhood Gay and lesbian Organization (BUNGALO) has filed a request with the U.S. Attorney's office asking for an investigation into an anti-gay smear letter that was sent out a week before the March 21, 2000 primary.
"The letter was mailed out bulk mail under the name of an organization that called itself 'Citizens for Family Values.' There was no return address on the envelope, and 'Citizens for Family Values' is not registered with the State of Illinois. A Freedom of Information Act filed by the Independent Voters of Berwyn revealed that the letter was sent out by the Berwyn Regular Democratic Organization using the bulk mail services of Diamond Graphics of Berwyn.
"On April 4, Ted Korbos, co-chair of BUNGALO, filed a request with the U.S. Attorney's Office requesting that the Berwyn Democrats and Diamond Graphics be investigated for possible mail fraud and possible violation of federal election law regarding sending political material through the U.S. mail.
"BUNGALO also plans on filing complaints against the Berwyn Democrats and the federal, state and county election boards."