IMAGE: Cupid's Nightspots December 19, 2007
An article in Gay Life begins:
"The first Chicago House residence for homeless persons with AIDS will open on February 1, 1986. The first permanent residence organized in Chicago for PWA's, Chicago House has been in the works now for several months.
"Fundraising efforts have netted Chicago House and Social Service Agency a nest egg of over $89,000 toward a goal of $200,000 and the Agency expects to receive further financial support from the city in the form of a block grant. If city funding comes through a second residence will be opened within the year."
An Editorial in Windy City Times reads:
"It was the year after Big Brother was set to take hold, and the year after Ronald Reagan was re-elected President of the United States. For many, it was a year of struggle, while others enjoyed increased freedom in being gay or lesbian.
"In some ways it was three steps forward, with one giant step back as AIDS headlines reported hysteria around AIDS in the classroom, at work, or at the bars. As a community of men and women from all nationalities, all social classes, and all religious backgrounds, we were further forced to internally examine who we are in the face of AIDS.
"Chicago gays and lesbians showed this year that their collective head was not buried in the sand when it came to AIDS. Especially during the latter part of the year, there was a flurry of fundraisers to combat the spread and effect of AIDS. We can be proud in the formation of several new organizations, and the strengthening of others, surrounding AIDS.
"This year will soon be 1986, coming on 20 years after the 1969 Stonewall Riots. As individual pride mounts, our collective pride strengthens. There were several court setbacks this year, and many legislative defeats. And most of all, there was AIDS making many gay men feel as if they were part of a firing line, wondering where the next bullet will go. In the Chicago City Council, politics was still politics and gay rights legislation was shelved once again.
"But in all, as shown in the gay and lesbian pride parade and in support for AIDS projects, the Chicago community seems headed for a solid future.
"Windy City Times, now with 14 issues behind us, hopes in the new year to become an even more integral part of the community. We want to cover the news as it effects gays and lesbians in all aspects of our lives, and in all areas of our community. After three months getting on our feet (and sometimes falling), we feel our own sense of pride in being able to offer an alternative gay and lesbian publication which can reflect our entire community."
In Tracy Baim's Off the Cuffs in Nightlines:
"Catherine Deneuve's highly anticipated role as a bisexual in 'Les Voleurs (Thieves)' opens at the Music Box Dec. 25. The film, by gay filmmaker Andre Techine (Wild Reeds) has gotten raves at festivals ...Scott McPherson's 'Marvin's Room" opens Dec. 25 Starring Meryl Streep, Dianne Keaton and Leonardo DiCaprio, the film received a thumbs up from Variety ...A Melissa Etheridge biography will be published by ECW Press in January 1997. The book is by Joyce Luck, who interviewed several of Melissa's childhood friends. Her two best friends from college, and folks who knew her when she was playing the women's bars in southern California. The biography will also feature 20-25 black and white photos and a 16-page color section of photos."