IMAGE: View Our Box at Glee Club – Gay Chicago August 5, 1993
Quoted in Outlines:
"Not one of the 26 new [TV] series scheduled by Fox, NBC, CBS, and ABC has even one black lead or major supporting player. ...But when you count both new and returning series, there will be 17 gay leads or major cast members in those four major networks. In fact, there are more gay characters featured in the new fall season than all other minorities combined." – Brian Lambert, media critic for the St. Paul Pioneer Press.
In her Lesbian Notions column in Gay Chicago, Paula Martinac writes:
"Last month, the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith forbade a priest and nun in Maryland from continuing their longstanding ministry to lesbian and gay Catholics–a rebuke just short of excommunication. The gay community reacted with anger and shock that the CDF would use loaded words like 'intrinsic evil' to describe homosexuality.
"So much gay organizing has focused on staving off attacks from the Christian right that we forget the Southern Baptists don't have a monopoly on evangelical homophobia. The Vatican' move makes it clear that gay activists need to be more proactive in their approach to other conservative denominations like the Roman Catholic Church, whose teachings on the 'immorality' of homosexual 'acts' hinder the progress of the lesbian and gay movement."
Illinois Gay Rodeo's 1999 Windy City Rodeo is held at Lake County Fairgrounds in Grayslake thru August 30th to benefit AIDSCare, Chicago House, the Children's Place Association, Direct AID, LCCP and Windy City PAWS.