Darren's a highly intelligent person as well, and though Greenberg has not created him in his own image, it's still a tough role. Darren's a superhero. He's not like anyone else, he knows it, and he won't pretend otherwise. This seems like arrogance, but isn't exactly. How could he not know he's different, what with his success on the field and the millions he's being paid? As a result he's lonely and Greenberg lets his humanity eventually show through. Derrick Nelson does fine with this part of the character, but I didn't feel he had quite captured Darren's superstar qualities – the "presence" that would humble adult men into little boys before him. In fact, Nelson's Darren seems quite overpowered by his narrow-minded, conservative Christian best-friend from a competitive team, Davey Battle (James Vincent Meredith), in their climactic confrontation.