I meet some wonderful people from all over the nation. In this particular article you are about to read, I was inspired by a total stranger I met locally in Chicago.
In my neighborhood of East Lakeview, I have many choices of where to get a good cup of coffee. It can be challenge depending on what time of the day you walk in to get yourself a table, plop down with your laptop and other personal items. Since it is within walking distance, I often visit Caribou Coffee on Broadway, just down the street from me. Many know of this place nicknamed, Cruise-a-Bou, or Gay-a-Bou as the gay men flock there to get their java and eye candy fix. . When there is a moment of reflection or a nice looking guy walks in, the blood shot eyes that have been peering on the computer screen slowly rise up and check out what the world is doing.
It was a busy day when I came in not too long ago. After some looking around, I was not able to get a table by myself. After I ordered my coffee, mug of java in my hand, I cruised... .I mean; I looked around to see if any spots were open. A guy, whom I have seen before, glanced up at a table and offered to share the seat across from him with me. After some brief introductions, I set my lap top up and got my creative thoughts in order. A few minutes passed and the guy who was sharing my table with me started telling me how he got fired that day from his part time job and how the trade (men) was not good in the coffee shop that day.