From a very early age, like most kids, I loved everything about the Halloween season. From the decorations and the school parties to trick or treating in the best neighborhoods with the neighbors that gave out the big candy bars. It truly was a great time and I made sure that the season got its credit all though the rest of the year.
As a young gay boy growing up, I had a vivid imagination and enjoyed performing for my parents friends that came over for dinner or just a party. One of my things I enjoyed doing was running to my closet and getting out the previous years Halloween costume and walking out in the middle of the party to entertain and do a little act. This would happen at anytime of the year. My parents, would rolls their eyes, while I made their friends laugh to tell me how cute and talented I was. I often made sure I had another costume in my bedroom closet to put on for Act 2 just in case my audience wanted more.