Thu. September 27, 2012 12:00 AM
by Sukie de la Croix
"Sappho: Who Was She?" Jorjet Harper presents a slide show and talk about history's most famous lesbian poet at Women and Children First, 1967 N. Halsted.
The Lesbian Book Discussion Group meets at Gerber-Hart Library, 3238 N. Sheffield. The featured book is "Shoulders" by Georgia Cotrell.
(Image: Bluebeard – Windy City Times October 27, 1988)
"Clowns in the Kitchen" by Jeff Hagedorn, a play about the aftermath of a rape and fag-bashing, is staged at the Bailiwick Theatre, 3212 N. Broadway.
(Image: In Remembrance of Harold Washington – Outlines December 3,1987)
Bernard Hansen, alderman of the 44th Ward, holds a public meeting to gauge public reaction to the proposed rezoning of Halsted Street, to restrict the number of bars between Belmont and Cornelia (on the east side of the street) and Addison (on the west side of the street). The meeting is held at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, 728 W. Belmont.
New Town Writers' Randy Gresham and Gene Janowski's "What's Good For the Gander," a revenge fantasy about turning the tables on homophobic straights unprotected by a Human Rights Ordinance, is performed as a staged reading at Annex 3, 3160 N. Clark St.
The Chicago Chapter of the NAMES Project holds training sessions for Washington D.C. display volunteers in the Olsen Auditorium of Illinois Masonic Hospital.
Kenneth Feld presents "The Wizard of Oz On Ice" at the Rosemont Horizon.
In the bars and clubs this week, at Vortex, 3631 N. Halsted, Silky Jumbo, Daisy Mae and Bijou Studios present "Daisy Land!" featuring Live: Adriano, star of the new Bijou release "Sunshine Superman"; every Sunday 8:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. it's the Honey West Show at Madrigals, 5316 N. Clark St.; there's a Dog Tag Pit Party at the Chicago Eagle, 5015 N. Clark St.; Bend Over at Cell Block, 3702 N. Halsted St., for whips and paddles Fetish Friday; celebration for Rhino records' new "Give Your Body Up: Club Classics & House Foundation. Vols. 1-3 Series" at Generator, 306 N. Halsted; it's the last chance to sign up for the North Halsted Pool League, singles, doubles and teams at North End, 3733 N. Halsted; opening October 3, Khris Francis at Gentry, 712 N. Rush St.; Chicago Men of Seduction strip down to very little at Temptations, 10235 W. Grand Ave., Franklin Park.
"Heaven's A Drag," an exciting new British comedy about romance and cruising in the afterlife, is showing at the Music Box, 3733 N. Southport.
"Preservation of Song," a film about AIDS caregiving in the Asian American Community is shown at Chicago Filmmakers, 1543 W. Division.
Lesbigay Radio Chicago starring Alan Amberg and Trish Koch presents MCC Founder Rev. Troy D. Perry celebrating 25 years of Good Shepherd Parish.
Onstage at the Bailiwick, 1229 W. Belmont, are "Embracing the Undertoad," a play by Robin Rice Lichtig, "Southern Baptist Sissies" by Del Shores and ""Naked Boys Singing."
Dyke Mic, a weekly open mic hosted by J. T. Newman, features poetry by Beth Tanner, comedy by Sapna Kumar and music by Aerin Tedesco, at the Bailiwick Repertory, 1229 W. Belmont.
(Image: Bjork Showcase – Nightspots September 10, 2003, March 5, 1976)
Alternative Connections Matchbatch, a social mixer for gay men, in which attendees write their own "personal ads" and then seek out those who share common interests, takes place at the Aldo Castillo Gallery, 233 W. Huron.
"Coming Out of the Closet: Staying in the Church," an adult discussion led by Rev. Perry Wiggins, followed by worship including the music of African-American lesbian singer Vanessa Davis, at the Euclid United Methodist Church, 405 S. Euclid, Oak Park.
The Hearts Foundation closing T-dance celebration after the AIDS Run/Walk, with music by DJs Billy Carroll and Dr. K is at Transit, 1431 W. Lake St. Proceeds go to Chicago House, Open Hand and TransGenesis.
The Gerber/Hart Library launches the Edward Louzao Tribute Fund, funded by seed money donated by James Osgood (aka Jim Bradford) in memory of his late partner, who was also a member of Mattachine Midwest. The afternoon includes a reception and a brief program. Takes place at 1127 W. Granville.
The Chicago Annual AIDS Run/Walk, "Fight Complacency" is held at the Museum Campus, Columbus Drive and Roosevelt Road, south of Grant Park.
Queer historian and UIC professor John D'Emilio reads from his newest book, "The World Turned: Essays on Gay History, Politics and Culture" at Women and Children First, 5233 N. Clark St.
Grinder, Scott Free's weekly showcase of queer words and music, features Cin Salach and Anne-Marie Akin, at the No Exit Café, 6970 N. Glenwood.
Is Gene Janowski still around?
Did anyone see "Southern Baptist Sissies"?
What's Alan Amberg up to these days?
Thanks go to publishers Michael Bergeron for Chicago Gay Crusader, Ralph Gernhardt for Gay Chicago, Grant Ford and Chuck Renslow for Gay Life and Tracy Baim for all the publications at the Windy City Media Group, which aided the above research. St. Sukie de la Croix is an internationally published reporter, playwright, photographer and historian. He is also the author of the book Chicago Whispers: A History of LGBT Chicago Before Stonewall published by the University of Wisconsin Press.