Mon. May 23, 2011
By Terrence Chappell
"Excess on occasion is exhilarating. It prevents moderation from acquiring the deadening effect of a habit."
- W. Somerset Maugham
I couldn't agree more Mr. Maugham! Ain't nothing wrong with a little excess here and there, especially when cocktails and openings are involved. Although William Somerset Maugham is one of England's greatest writers, if he were around today, he'd say, "Pass the tea and crumpets, I'm going to Chicago"
Former Chicago Bears football player Jerry Azumah hosted his third annual signature fundraiser at Lucky Strikes to support his organization the ASAP Foundation, which provides scholarships for disadvantaged students in Massachusetts, Illinois and beyond. The evening featured celebrity bowlers including Fox Chicago's Robin Robinson, Minnesota Viking's Fred Evans,'s Kelli Zink, and a host of other notables. Per usual, Azumah's event was well attended by a number of down-to-earth tastemakers in the sports, media, and business communities. Congrats to Mr. Azumah and his wonderful staff of ladies on another successful fundraising event.
Also, be sure to mark your calendars for P.Y.G.'s next event with Equality Illinois on June 23. We have a lot of exciting things planned for the evening and you won't want to miss it!
As always, As always amusez-vous, prendre soin les uns des autres, et si vous me voyez, dire salut – bon voyage!
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