
Wed. March 9, 2011

By John Olson

Songwriter Stephen Schwartz originally adapted Terkel's book for the Broadway stage with Nina Faso, turning Terkel's interviews into monologues, solos and group numbers that encompass common themes among Terkel's subjects. Since then, the two writers have revised and updated Working

Without taking anything away from the skills of these six performers, their transformations owe much to the costume designs of Mattie Ullrich and the wigs of Kaity Licina (shamefully credited only in the "Additional Staff" section way in the back of the Playbill).

I remember the Broadway production at the 46th Street Theater as a large one. It's of necessity smaller here, but still visually impressive, with Beowulf Borritt's grid of steel girders supplemented by projections designed by Aaron Rhyne. The lighting design by Jeff Croiter and Jesse Klug includes dramatic hues like the fiery red for the building fire observed by the retiree and a hellish burnt orange for the luggage factory.

Working is in an open-ended run at the Broadway Playhouse at Water Tower Place, Chicago. For tickets, visit Broadway in Chicago boxes offices, the Broadway in Chicago Ticket Line at 800-775-2000, all Ticketmaster retail locations, or

Photo: Gabriel Ruiz, Emjoy Gavino, E. Faye Butler, Gene Weygandt,

Barbara Robertson and Michael Mahler (by Amy Boyle)

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