June 25 - 28

Wed. June 24, 2009

By Michael Lehet

Finally, the weekend that we've been waiting for since last year at this time! It's officially summer as we kick off Gay Pride Weekend with the Pride Fest on Halsted and the 40th Annual Gay Pride Parade on Sunday. Summer is just beginning so you had better get out there and have some fun! I'll be walking with the Chicago Spirit Brigade on Sunday so look for me I'd love to get a picture with you!


TPAN is gearing up for a busy Pride Weekend and they need your help to put the finishing touches on creating enough Safe Sex Kits to distibute to Parade Spectators.  If you have some time today between 1-5PM stop by and help them out.  Check here for full details.

Dance your way over to the Center on Halsted and enjoy a dance peroformance by the Anita Davis Dance Theater - The Diva Suites at 7PM.  Tickets are $15 and can be purchased in advance.

Larry La Fountain-Stokes and E. Patrick Johnson will read from their recent works at Women & Children First Books in a GLBTQ Literary Double Header starting at 7PM.

Tune your TV to WTTW Channel 11 at 10PM to catch 'Short Fuse: The Story of an AIDS Activist' the story of Daniel Sotomayor (1958-92) who was one of the first openly gay political cartoonists and AIDS activist.

Bon Voyage to a great Pride Weekend.  Join the Lambda Legal Ladies on the Lake on a sunset cruise with open bar, hors d'oeuvres and an amazing view of the city.  Tickets start at $50 and can be purchased online.


F to July 5 - Taste of Chicago

F/S/S - Chicago Soul Music Festival

F/S/S - Mother of All Block Parties

F/S - Chicago Pride Fest

S/S - 6th Annual Backlot Bash in Andersonville

S/S - Fountain Square Arts Festival

S/S - Randolph Street Market


If you didn't get your tickets already, then you won't be able to catch todaystour of Andersonville, Uptown and Lincoln Square.  But don't worry, there are a few more tours scheduled next month.  Get to know your neighborhood.

Head on over to the Center on Halsted Pride Celebration tonight starting at 5PM.  Enjoy an evening on the Rooftop Garden taking in a delicious view of Halsted St and downtown Chicago.  Tickets are $15 and include 3 drink tickets. 

Poets Carol Guess and Hanna Andrews will read from their collections at Women & Children First Books in Andersonville tonight at 7:30PM

The Indigo Girls are performing at Ravinia this evening.  If you've not been there this year, or have never been, then grab the Metra and go enjoy the spleandor of Ravinia.  They now have free Wi-Fi! Lawn tickets are $22 in advance.

As part of the Citywide Pride network and Out & Equal, a free presentation: 'An Ally is a Terrible Thing to Waste: Recruitment and engagement of Ally support for LGBT network groups' will be offered downtown from 4-6PM.  RSVP online


For it's second year, The Dyke March will step off from the Pilsen Neighborhood.  Meet up and step off rom the corner of 18th & Halsted at 1PM today and march through the neighborhood.

Head up to Montrose Beach this morning for the step off of the 28th Annual Proud to Run 5K/10K Run & 2 mile Fun Walk.  Everything steps off at 8:04AM, so get there early and cheer on your friends.

The Chicago Gay Men's Chorus present "Over the Rainbow" at the Lakeshore Theater today at 3PM and 7PM.

RECESSION BUSTER Dress up like your favorite Abba band member and head on up to Kathy Osterman Beach - better known as Hollywood Beach - for a free screening of the sing-along version of Mamma Mia, sponsored by Reeling Film Festival.  Bring a blankets and chairs, starts around 9PM but get there early to get the best spot and start the party!


Is there anything going on today besides the 40th Annual Gay Pride Parade?  The Parade steps off at noon sharp from the corner of Belmont & Halsted and will travel north to Broadway where it will then travel south to Diversey!  More than 450,000 are anticipated to attend this years parade.  Arrive early and find the best spot!  Look for me, I'll be with the Chicago Spirit Brigade

Stop by and find the 11th Annual Girl Blast event for women in the Ann Sather parking lot at 929 W Belmont Ave.  Entry is $12

Join the Chicago Dragons Rugby Team for "The Pink Party" at Redmonds - 3358 N Sheffield starting at 4PM.  $20 includes a cookout, draft beer, vodka lemonades and more!

Lady Miss Kier of Deee-Lite will be hosting a Post Pride Parade Party at Berlin - 954 W Belmont starting at 4PM.


TUESDAY - "Stealth" screening at COH

WEDNESDAY - WoW at COH - Sex 101 & The G-Spot

WEDNESDAY - Andersonville Farmer's Market

For the complete article (non-reader view with multimedia and original links), Tap here.

Head to the local LGBTQ news, events, directory and people network at