The marriage of mind & body for physical progress

Sat. April 25, 2009

By Jim Gregory

If you don't get it the first time, try, try again. It's hard, some people spend their entire life not knowing how to achieve this and I am no master in obtaining my goals either, but I can say if you don't get there the first time, don't give up. You will get there. You only fail 100% of the time if you don't try.

It's important to know how to do these things not just for physical reasons, but for holistic reasons. If you can achieve your physical goals and conquer the barriers you have in your mind, there are hardly any goals you won't be able to obtain outside the gym if you learn this mindset. By achieving a harmony between your mind and body, you can translate this mindset and your accomplishments into all areas of life you wish to push yourself in. Learn from yourself, this is a great wisdom the first gym-bunnies of the western world mastered. Pursuing a perfect physique is much deeper than just wanting to look good, its about learning how to meet your goals.

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