Happy New Queer!

Thu. December 27, 2007

By Bill Pritchard

As 2008 opens many of you have committed to change a few areas in your life. Perhaps I can challenge you to an "advanced calling"…Making A Difference!! This is a choice you make to impact the world around you!

First off, may I suggest that you pre-choose to make a daily difference! If you have set it in your mind to be perceptive to those make a difference moments you will find your ability to sense them when they present themselves. There are many opportunities that can fill your day; pre-choosing to make a difference as they happen will bring greater impact to others!

Secondly, you can have an effect in your neighborhood through your example. I think that we have come a long way in the LGBT community however there are still quite a lot of people who are ignorant about our groups of people. By getting involved in your community you can make a great difference. Take a moment to browse through the directory (to the left) and help the organization of your choice.

Finally, making a difference in the lives of others starts in taking care of you. Perhaps this is the year that you can take better care of your health, finish your education or treat yourself to some well deserved recreation time. Take a look at that word, it means to re-create. Whether it's reading a good book, going to the spa, taking a class, or making a nice meal, finding daily time to give back to yourself will refresh your life's ability to give to others.

Making a difference starts with little moments. Those are moments of care, happiness, peace, patience, self-control, gentleness and kindness. These are moments more of being than doing.

Cheers to Making A Difference this year!!

For the complete article (non-reader view with multimedia and original links), Tap here.

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