Wed. December 5, 2007

By DJ Plez

The New And Not So Familiar

Every now and then, I like to take you Groove Line readers on a trip way outside of the box and this time we're headed toward the world of Drum ‘N Bass. Over the years I've been a distant yet enthusiastic fan of DnB, an electronic dance music sub-genre also known as "jungle." [Wikipedia: "DnB emerged in the early 1990s and is characterized by fast tempo broken beat drums (generally between 160–180 beats per minute) with heavy, often intricate basslines.] It's a style of music that's not meant for everyone, but for those with an open mind and an adventuresome rhythmic spirit – and in no need of vocals - DnB can be a most satisfying experience.

Whether a virgin to DnB music or already a connoisseur, there are two new mixed CDs out by DnB master DJs that will be impressive additions to your dance music collection. THE SECRET ART OF SCIENCE 2 by DJ DB (Koch Records) is a great introduction to DnB as it focuses on the musically softer, chiller side of the genre with a Then & Now presentation: nine classic tracks from the mid-1990s and seven modern day takes on where chill DnB has evolved. On the other end of the DnB spectrum, with its hi-energy, harder edged, electrified beats, is WEAPONS OF TOMORROW by AK1200 (Moist Music). A collection of 20 tracks representing the future of hardcore DnB, AK1200 has put together a devastatingly intense and relentless mix that's not for the squeamish. With these two CDs, you're guaranteed a top-notch introduction to the rhythmically fascinating world of DnB.

For the complete article (non-reader view with multimedia and original links), Tap here.

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