Asian Pop-Up Cinema studies After School

Mon. March 25, 2024

By Jerry Nunn

Sometimes special LGBTQ+ movies pop up in film festivals and Taiwan's drama After School is an example of Asian Pop-Up Cinema doing its homework.

The non-profit organization hosted a luncheon on March 22, 2024, at Mei's Inspired Dumplings & Asian Cuisine on South Michigan Avenue to kick off its 18th season. The focus of the event was on several Taiwanese offerings in the film festival lineup and attendees included several directors and stars in town for their screenings.

Founder and executive director Sophia Wong Boccio's excitement was infectious as she described the unique films planned through April 21.

There have been changes since the festival debuted in 2015 such as switching from biannual to an annual event. In 2025 the organizers plan to become a competition-style film fest and will accept submissions from Asian filmmakers and creatives from around the globe.

After School recently screened at AMC Newcity 14 to kick off the first weekend of the festival.

Set in 1994, After School follows the lives of students as they navigate the world of gender identity. Director and screenwriter Cheng-Lung 'Blue' Lan balances comedy and emotional drama in skilled ways with a rainbow of representation that will resonate with many people.

Cultivating and curating important endeavors such as this from talented filmmakers is what APUC is all about and makes the film festival one to watch in the future.

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