Nothing will stop The Flash

Wed. June 14, 2023

By Jerry Nunn

How do you solve a problem like Ezra Miller? In a case such as The Flash, Warner Bros decided to release the film and speed past the controversy as much as possible.

For those that don't know about the scandals of Miller, physical assault and burglary are among them.

It's a shame because their personal life haunts the new film and makes marketing a challenge for the juggernaut company. Audiences have been excited to see Batman and the multiple-timeline plot created unlimited opportunities for guest stars from past films.

It's a pleasure to see the two Michaels again, Keaton plays the Caped Crusader and Shannon portrays Zod. The supporting cast all do a nice job and LGBTQ+ representation includes queer actress Kiersey Nicole Clemons playing Iris West, the person who eventually married Barry in the comic books.

This superhero has a rogues gallery to rival Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman, but they are nowhere to be found this time out. The Flash television series covered many of his villains over the years so diehards must crave seeing them in the cinema.

Flash has been running around the funny pages since 1959, but it took a while for him to find his footing. His capabilities grew in power and he eventually traveled to multiverses.

The movie version capitalizes on that trick and leads Barry to his younger self. This allows the writers to build a buddy and brother to Barry that the elder can mentor for much of the film. The origin of the character is conveyed in a unique way and the writers did well depicting the sometimes overwhelming backstory and material.

Much of the budget was used to have Miller play both parts side by side along with the time travel sequences that were a bit muddy. Seeing it on an IMAX large screen should be preferable as there is a lot to digest visually.

The Flash looks like a speed bump, but feels like a sneaker. Viewers will be left guessing where the speedster will go in the future, but hopefully, they can find someone better than Ezra!

The Flash runs into theaters everywhere on June 16, 2023. Blue Beetle is up next on August 18, 2023, with a rainbow of Latin representations!

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