Fri. April 28, 2023
By Jerry Nunn
Known for being the “Breakfast Queen” and her namesake Ina's Restaurant, Ina Pinkney turned 80 years old and celebrated with a festive birthday party on April 26, 2023, at The Geraghty.
Chicago Chefs Cook, a collective of prominent Windy City culinary artists who raise money for important causes, all came together at the upscale venue to present savory samples for guests.
Proceeds from the evening went to Pilot Light, a nonprofit organization that supplies food and awareness to Chicago schools, and Green City Market, supporting sustainable farmers and locally grown produce.
Over 60 restaurants surrounded the room with various vendor tables full of delicious bite-size portions for ticket holders.
From 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., people could stroll about the chef stations to enjoy what their favorite establishments brought to the table. Several Bravo Top Chefs were in attendance including Sarah Grueneberg, Art Smith, Rick Bayliss and Fabio Viviani spotlighting their individual projects.
Several standout items were mouthwatering meatballs from Gene & Georgetti and Adam Reed Private Events' meaty short ribs. Participants could start or end their food coma journey by slurping down offerings on display at Rickie Perez's Logan Oyster Socials by the entrance.
Many of the contributing chefs joined the award-winning Pinkney onstage for speeches, sparklers and slices of cake!
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