Climb aboard the Odyssey this October

Thu. October 14, 2021

By Jerry Nunn

October is National Plan a Cruise Month and City Cruises is launching from Navy Pier to celebrate. The Odyssey Chicago is back on the water with some new changes to be had, Mateys! 

Departing from 600 East Grand Avenue, this luxury yacht has so much to offer guests. After purchasing a ticket, head over to the dock at Navy Pier. Follow the ramp to board this massive craft and ticketholders will immediately notice the photo opportunity has been moved to control the number of guests entering the ship. Originally the lifesaver was placed on the back of the Odyssey, but is now on the gangplank at the dock. Printed photos may be purchased later that night. 

A host stand is now on the second level to seat guests in the fairly spaced-out tables around the room. The length of the Odyssey overall is 55 meters, so there is plenty of room to be socially distant in current times. The top deck has open air to enjoy and spectacular views of the city as spectators cruise around the route for over two hours on each trip. 

If one misses the boat things can be rescheduled I was told, but please plan ahead as to not hold up the process or be disappointed when that ship sails. 

The white table cloth dinner has changed from the buffets of the past are no longer. Instead, we are treated to a three-course meal that will leave diners satisfied. 

Start off with a salad or creamy chowder and wash it down with a pinot grigio from the bar. 

The braised short ribs make a hearty meal served with carrots, broccoli and mashed potatoes. The chocolate cake is the dessert to choose from the menu with a warm, rich inside ready to be paired with coffee. 

The DJ will make brief announcements throughout the evening and has a setlist that includes relaxing music to help digestion. Keeping the volume down is necessary these days for conversations with friends and the staff. After dinner, the music escalates for dancing, but patrons needed a reminder to wear masks on the dance floor with the voyage I was on. A possible solution is moving the dance floor and DJ to the top deck with a cover to protect the electronics from unpredictable weather. This would allow a safer environment when dancers can't simply behave. 

Overall, the staff was friendly, attentive and followed current mask guidelines. From the moment one boards the cruise until the last goodbye from the crew, people will feel welcomed and taken care of throughout this 140-foot vessel. 


Large groups can be accommodated or keep it simple with a romantic two-person date to take in the breathtaking skyline from the top of the Odyssey. Visit or call 888-957-2634 to plan a launch party today! 

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