Sat. December 26, 2020
By Jerry Nunn
The Illinois cannabis industry is growing in leaps and bounds. The past stigma that surrounded the cannabis industry is finally going up in smoke thanks to legislation and changing times. The research on all of the health benefits associated with cannabis have also changed the game in terms of the public's opinion.
Lifted Made is a cannabidiol company based in Illinois and founded by Nick Warrender. The company carries a wide variety of inspired products that are both tasty and effective. The Urb: Delta 8 Gummies have vegan options and flavors such as watermelon and birthday cake. The 125 MG containers have five pieces of THC power.
The group has really thought outside of the box with products such as hand sanitizer and pet treats. These days that is what it takes to run a business and Lifted Made does that well with thoughtful and bright packaging to accompany their powerful line of products.
Shop at and explore all the options.
Along the same lines, EVRI can help out those individuals that are still stressed. Smart investor Jeffrey Dayton loves crafted beer and cannabis. He made this into a job by joining Dip Devices. One of the products, EVRI, is a tool to allow partakers to vape cannabis.
This portable electric dab straw is actually a three in one device to allow consumption of cannabis concentrate. Magnets are used to adjust the attachments for full effectiveness. The vapor tip attachment worked like a charm and there videos to accompany it for beginners.
Shoppers may choose a different color depending on the cause they would like one percent of money spent to go to. For example, black supports racial injustice or red goes to blood donation activism. This way consumers will feel good about where their hard earned money is going. In addition to this, another one percent of the EVRI sales goes to drug reform, a cause dear to the owner's heart.
The EVRI starter pack is a slick and modern device that invests in causes that the company clearly believes in. Visit for more information on ordering the pack today.
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