Artist Amy Armstrong, Battling Again

Thu. October 22, 2020

By Bill Pritchard

From the moment I met her, nineteen years ago, artist and comedian Amy Armstrong overwhelmed me with joy and laughter.

Hearing her before I saw her, I had no idea that what I would hear her sing would change my life. I purposely didn't turn around. I just wanted to soak in the talent. When she got done singing the “Glory of Love”, the place erupted and I turned around to see that red hair and infectious smile.

I made it a point to get to know Amy from that day on. Although the hair has changed a bit, Amy remains a refreshing presence in the lives of countless people around the world.

Back in late spring of 2019, while undergoing a routine surgery Amy's doctors found ovarian cancer. Amy spent the next six months in chemo, followed by surgeries to remove it. Her aggressive battle ended with an all clear from her doctors and an empty savings account. True to form, Amy prepared herself to get back to work bringing smiles and sounds to so many.

"Amy's contagious energy and magical voice mesmerizes people all over the world. I have always said she is genuinely everyone's best friend", says Mitchell Pennell, friend and founder of MatchDaddy. “That's a very rare quality and I'm grateful she is one of mine!”

Located in Puerto Vallarta at the start of the covid-19 pandemic, she and musician and Fernando Gonzalez started a weekly show on Friday evenings, with the goal to bring a joyful distraction to folks around the world. It also helped to support her.

Sadly, in October Amy learned that cancer has returned. That scary diagnosis brings a lot of unknowns for Amy, but she's fighting it again. Thankfully, her doctors are confident they've caught this early, and can treat it successfully.

However, she will not be able to do this on her own. A GoFundMe campaign has been started by friends to help with the costs. As you can imagine, this is an expensive journey; even more so for someone who lost her savings in a previous cancer battle. Even so, Amy is ready to kick cancer's ass again!

“There is no doubt in my heart that Amy will beat this.” says Freddy Allen, her longtime music partner and friend. “Her spirit and light are strong and bright. She has so much love to give to us all.”

Contributing to the GoFundMe campaign is one simple way. You can also contribute via Venmo at Amy_Armstrong_80.

Amy and I have shared countless memories, tons of laughs, a billion songs, a few tears, and more than our fair share of drama with weirdos. Her gift of music, comedy and mayhem, has made me a better man. Like many, I feel I owe her so much. Join me in giving Amy a big tip. Just the tip, mind you. (I said that, because I heard her voice saying that in my head! Ha Ha Ha)

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