A diet for great skin

Thu. July 6, 2006

By Omeed Memar, M.D.

To achieve flawless skin, I’m constantly advising patients that in addition to medical procedures and treatments, you have to be mindful of what you eat. Over the coming months I will be offering some easy-to-make recipes for meals and even homemade topical solutions (facials) for you to consider.

To get started, I offer some tips that you should consider incorporating into your daily life:

1. Lay off the white stuff. Simple carbohydrates such as white bread, pasta, rice, potatoes and sweets can send your insulin levels soaring and can set off a series of reactions that can cause acne and blemishes.

2. Go for simple food choices. Instead of refined white carbs, go for moderate amounts of complex ones like whole-grain breads, brown rice and whole-wheat pasta. These are digested slowly and not likely to lead to that skin-sabotaging insulin spike.

3. Include essential fatty acids. Fish is a great source of essential fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6 which reduce inflammation in the body. Inflammation triggers the cells to clog pores and this can lead to acne. It also leads to wrinkles down the line. To get the best and most essential fatty acids I recommend eating salmon, mackerel and rune. You can also find EFA’s in almonds, hazelnuts and flaxseed.

Two Pomegranate Summer Drink Recipes

Summer Smoothie

2 oz. freshly squeezed pomegranate juice or 100% pomegranate juice

6 oz. non-fat yogurt

½ cup frozen or fresh strawberries

½ cup fresh banana

Handful of ice

Directions: Blend all ingredients together until desired consistency

Pomegranate Iced Tea

½ cup of freshly squeezed pomegranate juice or 100% Pomegranate Juice

5 oz. tea

1 oz. simple syrup (equal parts sugar and cold water dissolved together)

Lemon wedge for garnish

Directions: Prepare tea and cool, mix the ingredients, pour over ice in an iced tea glass, and garnish with lemon wedge.

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