Masks, Meats and More

Fri. March 15, 2019

By Jerry Nunn

HomeBread in Chicago hosted a Mardi Gras celebration during brunch to highlight a few local chefs. French toast with praline sauce, jambalaya and devlied eggs were all part of the fun. 

To finish things off the powder sugar of the beignets created a mess before running out the door to another exciting party the same Sunday. 

Cochon555 returned to Chicago in a bold way at the Morgan Manufacturing event space. Chefs, farmers and brewers all worked together to raise money for charities. There were 1,500 pounds of heritage breed pork to be devoured by attendees. 

Chefs creatively came up with ways to combine the pork with dishes. Among the restaurants presenting samples were Nacional 27, Vincent and Cantina Loredo. 

There was a veggie bar provided by Amber Lancaster of Sable Kitchen & Bar for folks that had a meat overload.

An SOMM Smackdown had 50 of the nation's top sommeliers choosing wines to pair with the pork. For spirits Johnny Contraveos who bartends at About Last Knife took home the trophy for the Punch Kings competition. 

Almost 600 guests raised $3,500 for a start up farm in Missouri. 

Hungry for more pig? Save the date for the Grand Cochon on Sept. 15 where Chef Daniel Espinoza of Cantina Laredo will compete.

Now that was living high on the hog!

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