Making A Difference: The Change of Resolution

Mon. February 11, 2019

By Bill Pritchard

Reaching for the Soap

Spend any time at my home and soap will come up in the conversation. It's not a fetish but fanaticism for me. I've been a fan of Floris Stephanotis soap and scent since I was a kid. Started in 1730 yep, you read that right, they have provide triple milled soap and well-crafted scents forty-six years before the birth of the United States. They are even the official soap/scent for Queen Elizabeth II and for this queen! (See the comedic importance of washing your hands here!)

There is something special about pampering yourself. It makes you feel good. It's especially refreshing when you take the time for a good shower, washing off the day or starting one with a clean slate. Once complete, you are not only cleaner, but you feel cleaner!

Taking action every day in your life produces the same response. Why is it most produce resolutions around New Year's Day? How about thinking big every day, week, or even month?

About five years ago my Dear Friend Isaiah moved to New York, to further his career. This was something he talked about since I met him. Change is a part of life. Like it or not, it's what keeps things fresh and new. I've been so proud of his courageous steps to pick up his life and move to the east coast; and the success that's followed him. He continues those steps even today.

No Fear Year

From my perspective, Isaiah's dream to move to New York really got a decisive push on December 31, 2011 when he, my Bosom Friend David and I celebrated New Year's Eve together at Isaiah's flat enjoying a few glasses of Veuve Clicquot and some fellowship. One of the many conversation points was what each of us wanted to do in the year 2012. Not much of a New Year's resolution type of group, we all had great goals nonetheless. Isaiah spoke up and shared his desire to move in New York, but admitted he was unsure how to do it. He then told us about a saying that he and some friends had about his goal. . . "No Fear Year!" What a great motto and one that has inspired me still all these years later.

Why Wait?

Wonderfully Isaiah made the move. Weeks before he left town, on a walk in the park, I asked him what he wanted to be/do differently now that he realized his goal of living in New York. Had he made any determinations about new steps, a change in outlook? As I asked him those questions I realized that I needed to ask them of myself as well. It was a memorable walk!

What about you? Why on earth should we wait until the New Year to ask those kind of questions of ourselves? What new steps can you take? How about your outlook? Could it use a tweak? Perhaps it's time for a change in how you do/be things. We don't need to wait for a reason to resolve. The momentous moment can come, anywhere, anytime, with our decision to improve ourselves. It's the process of personal growth that we can all take part in.

It took my Dear Friend's departure to remind me that life's moments can occur anytime and are a perfect occaison for asking those questions and taking new actions. Perhaps it's time for us to reach for the soap, for a clean slate in life? I think you'll find the difference well worth the effort!

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