Sun. May 27, 2018
By Jerry Nunn
There's an Infinity War at the box office this weekend and it's superheroes vs. sci-fi. Avengers: Infinity War has attacked with a vengeance and earned its money back. The mouse is making millions as Disney continues to release massive blockbsuters with more super powered players on the way thanks to Incredibles 2 coming out June 15 and an Antman sequel in July.
Deadpool is alive and kicking with part two. It's a diverse endeavor this time with a girl on girl relationship, lots of ethnicities represented and plenty of creative ways to kill someone. Jump in the pool, it's better than the first one!
For the three day weekend Solo: A Star Wars Story is number one at movie theaters and projected to earn over $100 million. The problem is that it cost over $300 million to make.
The movie is the story of young Han Solo and his rise to becoming a galactic pirate. The Star Wars crowd has been hyper critical with their movies and such is the case here. This is Ron Howard's take on the franchise and he has lots of fun with his new toys.
Emilia Clarke's character didn't work for me and Alden Ehrenreich barely scratches by mugging like Harrison Ford, but Woody Harrelson and Donald Glover both shine in their roles.
There is a variety of films to view over the weekend. A Quiet Place continues to silently kill at the cinema and is still in the top 10.
Life of the Party has an odd sense of humor, but I enjoyed watching Maya Rudolph chew up each scene she appears in and hey there's a Christina Aguilera cameo to see before it's over.
Book Club screened a lot better in front of a live audience than for the critics recently in Chicago. These are crowd pleaser flicks and not for the cynics. The Wives Club was panned by many but the loyal gay fan base continues today. Start your own LGBT book club today!
So for the box office recap Han Solo flies in first, Deadpool massacre's the number two spot, Avengers kills the competion in the third position, Book Club reads the others at the fourth space, with Life of the Party doing keg stands for fifth place.
There's a dinosaur ready to pounce on them all so let's see how things rumble in the jungle later on this summer.
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