Wed. April 11, 2018
By Jerry Nunn
Justin Timberlake played the United Center on March 27 and the venue overwhelmed his set that was composed of trees and a long runway. The view was blocked at times and it was difficult for The Man of the Woods singer to play to all sides of the audience.
Smaller venues give the ticket buyer a chance to see acts up close and personal. Over the years I have discovered new acts before they hit it big and have found the experience very rewarding. Singers like Ellie Goulding played at Lincoln Hall before eventually moving on to arena concerts.
While not a huge name, the out singer LP continues to put on a strong live show. Packing the Metro after recently playing Lincoln Hall shows she is on the right track.
Beth Ditto is another out and proud lesbian who not only has a bold voice, but her onstage banter is hilarious. It was almost half comedy and half music as she joked through her set at Lincoln Hall recently.
She discovered a few concert goers from her home town and it was all over as she wanted to just focus on them.
Andy Grammer brought his new album The Good Parts to the House of Blues recently and was just as adorable as ever. He chatted backstage about his baby to me then rocked out with his band onstage to a packed crowd.
He continues to be a performer to watch and his music is so catchy that it will stick in your brain even if you don't know the lyrics beforehand.
Lo Moon is a new indie band that knows how to create atmospheric music. Subterranean on North Avenue gives viewers a bird's eye view from above the stage. If you can catch a music act at this venue it's usually fairly easy to meet them. Matt Lowell and his musical friends were personable and genuinely enjoyed being around their fans right after the show.
Chicago's music scene thrives no matter what the venue but catching the right act at the right time is the key to having the ultimate music lover's experience.
Who's ready for Lollapalooza? Prepare for bands with after parties filling up every music venue possible in the Windy City. It's going to be a hot summer!
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