Fri. January 19, 2018
By Jerry Nunn
TimeLine Theatre brings a new play to life called Boy. It is the true story of a medical procedure gone wrong. Dr. Wendell Barnes played by David Parkes convices the parents of twin boys to raise one as a girl. After transitioning back to a boy at age 14 things become complicated and the drama unfolds for Adam Turner.
This hidden gem of a theater is located at 615 W. Wellington attached to the side a church. One is immediately immersed in another world with a museum of trans artifacts and memorabilia at the entrance to the theater. The set by Arnel Sancianco transports audiences to the time period in a heartbeat.
The cast is strong. I especially liked Mechelle Moe as the concerned mother Trudy Turner. The true story is intriguing with the perfect running time of an hour and half.
There was moments of creepiness of the Adam Turner character with pursuing love interest Jenny Lafferty that may make some uncomfortable. When denied another date Adam shows up at Jenny's doorstep with books for her child trying to force his way into her life. Somehow this works and the relationship continues. Theo Germaine has a difficult part to play and pulls it off.
Never boring, Boy will give people something to talk about for a long time afterwards.
Check out Boy before March 18 with tickets available at or by calling 773-283-8463.
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